திங்கள், 16 ஜூன், 2014

Nuclear Power

Nuclear Power 

Nuclear power is the controlled use of nuclear reactions to release energy for work including propulsion, heat, and the generation of electricity. Use of nuclear power to do significant useful work is currently limited to nuclear fission and radioactive decay. Nuclear energy is produced when a fissile material, such as uranium-235 (235U), is concentrated such that nuclear fission takes place in a controlled chain reaction and creates heat — which is used to boil water, produce steam, and drive a steam turbine. The turbine can be used for mechanical work and also to generate electricity. Nuclear power provides 7% of the world's energy and 15.7% of the world's electricity and is used to power most military submarines and aircraft carriers.

The United States produces the most nuclear energy, with nuclear power providing 20% of the electricity it consumes, while France produces the highest percentage of its electrical energy from nuclear reactors—80% as of 2006. In the European Union as a whole, nuclear energy provides 30% of the electricity.Nuclear energy policy differs between countries, and some countries such as Austria, Australia and Ireland have no nuclear power stations.

Concerns about nuclear power

The use of nuclear power is controversial because of the problem of storing radioactive waste for indefinite periods, the potential for possibly severe radioactive contamination by accident or sabotage, and the possibility that its use in some countries could lead to the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Proponents believe that these risks are small and can be further reduced by the technology in the new reactors. They further claim that the safety record is already good when compared to other fossil-fuel plants, that it releases much less radioactive waste than coal power, and that nuclear power is a sustainable energy source. Critics, including most major environmental groups, claim nuclear power is an uneconomic and potentially dangerous energy source with a limited fuel supply, especially compared to renewable energy, and dispute whether the costs and risks can be reduced through new technology.

There is concern in some countries over North Korea and Iran operating research reactors and fuel enrichment plants, since those countries refuse adequate IAEA oversight and are believed to be trying to develop nuclear weapons. North Korea admits that it is developing nuclear weapons, while the Iranian government vehemently denies the claims against Iran.

Several concerns about nuclear power have been expressed, and these include:
  • Concerns about nuclear reactor accidents, such as the Chernobyl disaster
  • Vulnerability of plants to attack or sabotage
  • Use of nuclear waste as a weapon
  • Health effects of nuclear power plants
  • Nuclear proliferation
·         Nuclear Fission 

·         Nuclear fission—also known as atomic fission—is a process in nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry in which the nucleus of an atom splits into two or more smaller nuclei as fission products, and usually some by-product particles, Hence, fission is a form of elemental transmutation. The by-products include free neutrons, photons usually in the form gamma rays, and other nuclear fragments such as beta particles and alpha particles. Fission of heavy elements is an exothermic reaction and can release substantial amounts of useful energy both as gamma rays and as kinetic energy of the fragments (heating the bulk material where fission takes place).

Nuclear fission produces energy for nuclear power and to drive explosion of nuclear weapons. Fission is useful as a power source because some materials, called nuclear fuels, generate neutrons as part of the fission process and undergo triggered fission when impacted by a free neutron. Nuclear fuels can be part of a self-sustaining chain reaction that releases energy at a controlled rate in a nuclear reactor or at a very rapid uncontrolled rate in a nuclear weapon.

The amount of free energy contained in nuclear fuel is millions of times the amount of free energy contained in a similar mass of chemical fuel such as gasoline, making nuclear fission a very tempting source of energy; however, the byproducts of nuclear fission are highly radioactive and remain so for millennia, giving rise to a nuclear waste problem.

Splitting the Uranium Atom:
Uranium is the principle element used in nuclear reactors and in certain types of atomic bombs. The specific isotope used is 235U. When a stray neutron strikes a 235U nucleus, it is at first absorbed into it. This creates 236U. 236U is unstable and this causes the atom to fission. The fissioning of 236U can produce over twenty different products. However, the products' masses always add up to 236. The following two equations are examples of the different products that can be produced when 235U fissions:
235U + 1 neutron
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjOJx43ukFBAkdViGryQGJamr5J9TKRLxGE_vLcIzjyOjVvoNa_-KajqT4YW2wxiauNJa_pIK7GFPFyUKGR-VphwulqPSLvCwlojuUVQiMBUh5gtnFqI7LZswazDeF50Wnmkx97NTmpSAk/s320/arrow.gif2 neutrons + 92Kr + 142Ba + ENERGY
235U + 1 neutron
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjOJx43ukFBAkdViGryQGJamr5J9TKRLxGE_vLcIzjyOjVvoNa_-KajqT4YW2wxiauNJa_pIK7GFPFyUKGR-VphwulqPSLvCwlojuUVQiMBUh5gtnFqI7LZswazDeF50Wnmkx97NTmpSAk/s320/arrow.gif2 neutrons + 92Sr + 140Xe + ENERGY

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi1vMHs0HWwn65otOHANbDb1Xb1PKaQSh4r9q9U-5HjIeklmr_H-DAzcK4pcIvquUdthnu_GJatxEMUvfKvkyEe8OBdQgDQHqt3QaYcFDoWt7SEchl2K3hUEqYrd5nOn93Gs3sddY8fdPw/s320/nf1.pngLet's discuss those reactions. In each of the above reactions, 1 neutron splits the atom. When the atom is split, 1 additional neutron is released. This is how a chain reaction works. If more 235U is present, those 2 neutrons can cause 2 more atoms to split. Each of those atoms releases 1 more neutron bringing the total neutrons to 4. Those 4 neutrons can strike 4 more 235U atoms, releasing even more neutrons. The chain reaction will continue until all the 235U fuel is spent. This is roughly what happens in an atomic bomb. It is called a runaway nuclear reaction.

Where Does the Energy Come From?
In the section above we described what happens when an 235U atom fissions. We gave the following equation as an example:
235U + 1 neutron
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjOJx43ukFBAkdViGryQGJamr5J9TKRLxGE_vLcIzjyOjVvoNa_-KajqT4YW2wxiauNJa_pIK7GFPFyUKGR-VphwulqPSLvCwlojuUVQiMBUh5gtnFqI7LZswazDeF50Wnmkx97NTmpSAk/s320/arrow.gif2 neutrons + 92Kr + 142Ba + ENERGY

You might have been wondering, "Where does the energy come from?". The mass seems to be the same on both sides of the reaction:
235 + 1 = 2 + 92 + 142 = 236
Thus, it seems that no mass is converted into energy. However, this is not entirely correct. The mass of an atom is more than the sum of the individual masses of its protons and neutrons, which is what those numbers represent. Extra mass is a result of the binding energy that holds the protons and neutrons of the nucleus together. Thus, when the uranium atom is split, some of the energy that held it together is released as radiation in the form of heat. Because energy and mass are one and the same, the energy released is also mass released. Therefore, the total mass does decrease a tiny bit during the reaction. 

Fission in Nuclear Reactors
To make large-scale use of the energy released in fission, one fission event must trigger another, so that the process spreads thoughout the nuclear fuel as in a set of dominos. The fact that more neutrons are produced in fission than are consumed raises the possibility of a chain reaction. Such a reaction can be either rapid (as in an atomic bomb) or controlled (as in a reactor).
In a nuclear reactor, control rods made of cadmium or graphite or some other neutron-absorbing material are used to regulate the number of neutrons. The more exposed control rods, the less neutrons and vice versa. This also controls the multiplication factor k which is the ratio of the number of neutrons present at the beginning of a particular generation to the number present at the beginning of the next generation. For k=1, the operation of the reactor is said to be exactly critical, which is what we wish it to be for steady-power operation. Reactors are designed so that they are inherently supercritical (k>1); the multiplication factor is then adjusted to the critical operation by inserting the control rods.
An unavoidable feature of reactor operation is the accumulation of radioactive wastes, including both fission products and heavy "transuranic" nuclides such as plutonium and americium.

Nuclear Energy,Nuclear Fuels 

Nuclei are made up of protons and neutron, but the mass of a nucleus is always less than the sum of the individual masses of the protons and neutrons which constitute it. The difference is a measure of the nuclear binding energy which holds the nucleus together.

Nuclear energy is energy released from the atomic nucleus. Atoms are tiny particles that make up every object in the universe. There is enormous energy in the bonds that hold atoms together.This binding energy can be calculated from the Einstein relationship: mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc², in which E = energy, m = mass, and c = the speed of light in a vacuum (a physical constant).The alpha particle gives binding energy of 28.3 MeV
Nuclear energy is released by several processes:
  • Radioactive decay, where a radioactive nucleus decays spontaneously into a lighter nucleus by emitting a particle;
  • Endothermic nuclear reactions where two nuclei merge to produce two different nuclei. The following two processes are particular examples:
  • Fusion, two atomic nuclei fuse together to form a heavier nucleus;
  • Fission, the breaking of a heavy nucleus into two nearly equal parts.
Nuclear Fuels

Nuclear fuel is any material that can be consumed to derive nuclear energy, by analogy to chemical fuel that is burned to derive energy. By far the most common type of nuclear fuel is heavy fissile elements that can be made to undergo nuclear fission chain reactions in a nuclear fission reactor; nuclear fuel can refer to the material or to physical objects (for example fuel bundles composed of fuel rods) composed of the fuel material, perhaps mixed with structural, neutron moderating, or neutron reflecting materials.
Not all nuclear fuels are used in fission chain reactions. For example, 238Pu and some other elements are used to produce small amounts of nuclear power by radioactive decay in radiothermal generators, and other atomic batteries. Light isotopes such as 3H (tritium) are used as fuel for nuclear fusion. If one looks at binding energy of specific isotopes, there can be an energy gain from fusing most elements with a lower atomic number than iron, and fissioning isotopes with a higher atomic number than iron.
The most common fissile nuclear fuels are natural urnium,enriched uranium,plutonium and 233U.Natural uranium is the parent material.The materials 235U,233U and 239Pu are called fissionable materials.The only fissionable nuclear fuel occuring in nature is uraium of which 99.3% is 238U and 0.7% is 235U and 234U is only a trace.Out of these isotopes only 235U will fission in a chain reaction.The other two fissionable materials can be produced artificially from 238U and 232Th which occur in nature are called fertile materials.Out of the three fissionable materials 235U has some advantages over the other two due to its higher fission percentage.Fissionable materials 239Pu and 233U are formed in the nuclear reactors during fission process from 238U and 232Th respectively due to absorption of neutrons with out fission.Getting 239Pu process is called conversion and getting 233U is called breeding.

The Nuclear Fuel Cycle

  • The nuclear fuel cycle is the series of industrial processes which involve the production of electricity from uranium in nuclear power reactors.
  • Uranium is a relatively common element that is found throughout the world. It is mined in a number of countries and must be processed before it can be used as fuel for a nuclear reactor.
  • Electricity is created by using the heat generated in a nuclear reactor to produce steam and drive a turbine connected to a generator.
  • Fuel removed from a reactor, after it has reached the end of its useful life, can be reprocessed to produce new fuel.
The various activities associated with the production of electricity from nuclear reactions are referred to collectively as the nuclear fuel cycle. The nuclear fuel cycle starts with the mining of uranium and ends with the disposal of nuclear waste. With the reprocessing of used fuel as an option for nuclear energy, the stages form a true cycle.
Uranium is a slightly radioactive metal that occurs throughout the earth's crust. It is about 500 times more abundant than gold and about as common as tin. It is present in most rocks and soils as well as in many rivers and in sea water. It is, for example, found in concentrations of about four parts per million (ppm) in granite, which makes up 60% of the earth's crust. In fertilisers, uranium concentration can be as high as 400 ppm (0.04%), and some coal deposits contain uranium at concentrations greater than 100 ppm (0.01%). Most of the radioactivity associated with uranium in nature is in fact due to other minerals derived from it by radioactive decay processes, and which are left behind in mining and milling.
There are a number of areas around the world where the concentration of uranium in the ground is sufficiently high that extraction of it for use as nuclear fuel is economically feasible. Such concentrations are called ore.The below figure represents various stages in Nuclear Fuel cycle

Uranium Mining 

Both excavation and in situ techniques are used to recover uranium ore. Excavation may be underground and open pit mining. 

In general, open pit mining is used where deposits are close to the surface and underground mining is used for deep deposits, typically greater than 120 m deep. Open pit mines require large holes on the surface, larger than the size of the ore deposit, since the walls of the pit must be sloped to prevent collapse. As a result, the quantity of material that must be removed in order to access the ore may be large. Underground mines have relatively small surface disturbance and the quantity of material that must be removed to access the ore is considerably less than in the case of an open pit mine. 

An increasing proportion of the world's uranium now comes from in situ leaching (ISL), where oxygenated groundwater is circulated through a very porous orebody to dissolve the uranium and bring it to the surface. ISL may be with slightly acid or with alkaline solutions to keep the uranium in solution. The uranium is then recovered from the solution as in a conventional mill.

The decision as to which mining method to use for a particular deposit is governed by the nature of the orebody, safety and economic considerations.
In the case of underground uranium mines, special precautions, consisting primarily of increased ventilation, are required to protect against airborne radiation exposure.
Uranium Milling 

Milling, which is generally carried out close to a uranium mine, extracts the uranium from the ore. Most mining facilities include a mill, although where mines are close together, one mill may process the ore from several mines. Milling produces a uranium oxide concentrate which is shipped from the mill. It is sometimes referred to as 'yellowcake' and generally contains more than 80% uranium. The original ore may contains as little as 0.1% uranium.

In a mill, uranium is extracted from the crushed and ground-up ore by leaching, in which either a strong acid or a strong alkaline solution is used to dissolve the uranium. The uranium is then removed from this solution and precipitated. After drying and usually heating it is packed in 200-litre drums as a concentrate.

The remainder of the ore, containing most of the radioactivity and nearly all the rock material, becomes tailings, which are emplaced in engineered facilities near the mine (often in mined out pit). Tailings contain long-lived radioactive materials in low concentrations and toxic materials such as heavy metals; however, the total quantity of radioactive elements is less than in the original ore, and their collective radioactivity will be much shorter-lived. These materials need to be isolated from the environment.

The product of a uranium mill is not directly usable as a fuel for a nuclear reactor. Additional processing, generally referred to as enrichment, is required for most kinds of reactors. This process requires uranium to be in gaseous form and the way this is achieved is to convert it to uranium hexafluoride, which is a gas at relatively low temperatures.
At a conversion facility, uranium is first refined to uranium dioxide, which can be used as the fuel for those types of reactors that do not require enriched uranium. Most is then converted into uranium hexafluoride, ready for the enrichment plant. It is shipped in strong metal containers. The main hazard of this stage of the fuel cycle is the use of hydrogen fluoride.

Natural uranium consists, primarily, of a mixture of two isotopes (atomic forms) of uranium. Only 0.7% of natural uranium is "fissile", or capable of undergoing fission, the process by which energy is produced in a nuclear reactor. The fissile isotope of uranium is uranium 235 (U-235). The remainder is uranium 238 (U-238). 

In the most common types of nuclear reactors, a higher than natural concentration of U-235 is required. The enrichment process produces this higher concentration, typically between 3.5% and 5% U-235, by removing over 85% of the U-238. This is done by separating gaseous uranium hexafluoride into two streams, one being enriched to the required level and known as low-enriched uranium. The other stream is progressively depleted in U-235 and is called 'tails'.

There are two enrichment processes in large scale commercial use, each of which uses uranium hexafluoride as feed: gaseous diffusion and gas centrifuge. They both use the physical properties of molecules, specifically the 1% mass difference, to separate the isotopes. The product of this stage of the nuclear fuel cycle is enriched uranium hexafluoride, which is reconverted to produce enriched uranium oxide.

Fuel fabrication

 Reactor fuel is generally in the form of ceramic pellets. These are formed from pressed uranium oxide which is sintered (baked) at a high temperature (over 1400°C). The pellets are then encased in metal tubes to form fuel rods, which are arranged into a fuel assembly ready for introduction into a reactor. The dimensions of the fuel pellets and other components of the fuel assembly are precisely controlled to ensure consistency in the characteristics of fuel bundles.

In a fuel fabrication plant great care is taken with the size and shape of processing vessels to avoid criticality (a limited chain reaction releasing radiation). With low-enriched fuel criticality is most unlikely, but in plants handling special fuels for research reactors this is a vital consideration.

Power generation
Inside a nuclear reactor the nuclei of U-235 atoms split (fission) and, in the process, release energy. This energy is used to heat water and turn it into steam. The steam is used to drive a turbine connected to a generator which produces electricity. Some of the U-238 in the fuel is turned into plutonium in the reactor core. The main plutonium isotope is also fissile and it yields about one third of the energy in a typical nuclear reactor. The fissioning of uranium is used as a source of heat in a nuclear power station in the same way that the burning of coal, gas or oil is used as a source of heat in a fossil fuel power plant.
As with as a coal-fired power station about two thirds of the heat is dumped, either to a large volume of water (from the sea or large river, heating it a few degrees) or to a relatively smaller volume of water in cooling towers, using evaporative cooling (latent heat of vapourisation).

Used fuel
With time, the concentration of fission fragments and heavy elements formed in the same way as plutonium in a fuel bundle will increase to the point where it is no longer practical to continue to use the fuel. So after 12-24 months the 'spent fuel' is removed from the reactor. The amount of energy that is produced from a fuel bundle varies with the type of reactor and the policy of the reactor operator.
Typically, some 36 million kilowatt-hours of electricity are produced from one tonne of natural uranium. The production of this amount of electrical power from fossil fuels would require the burning of over 20,000 tonnes of black coal or 8.5 million cubic metres of gas.

Used fuel storage
When removed from a reactor, a fuel bundle will be emitting both radiation, principally from the fission fragments, and heat. Used fuel is unloaded into a storage pond immediately adjacent to the reactor to allow the radiation levels to decrease. In the ponds the water shields the radiation and absorbs the heat. Used fuel is held in such pools for several months to several years.
Depending on policies in particular countries, some used fuel may be transferred to central storage facilities. Ultimately, used fuel must either be reprocessed or prepared for permanent disposal.

Used fuel is about 95% U-238 but it also contains about 1% U-235 that has not fissioned, about 1% plutonium and 3% fission products, which are highly radioactive, with other transuranic elements formed in the reactor. In a reprocessing facility the used fuel is separated into its three components: uranium, plutonium and waste, containing fission products. Reprocessing enables recycling of the uranium and plutonium into fresh fuel, and produces a significantly reduced amount of waste (compared with treating all used fuel as waste).

Uranium and Plutonium Recycling
The uranium from reprocessing, which typically contains a slightly higher concentration of U-235 than occurs in nature, can be reused as fuel after conversion and enrichment, if necessary. The plutonium can be directly made into mixed oxide (MOX) fuel, in which uranium and plutonium oxides are combined.
In reactors that use MOX fuel, plutonium substitutes for the U-235 in normal uranium oxide fuel.

Used fuel disposal
At the present time, there are no disposal facilities (as opposed to storage facilities) in operation in which used fuel, not destined for reprocessing, and the waste from reprocessing can be placed. Although technical issues related to disposal have been addressed, there is currently no pressing technical need to establish such facilities, as the total volume of such wastes is relatively small. Further, the longer it is stored the easier it is to handle, due to the progressive diminution of radioactivity. There is also a reluctance to dispose of used fuel because it represents a significant energy resource which could be reprocessed at a later date to allow recycling of the uranium and plutonium. (There is a proposal to use it in Candu reactors directly as fuel.)
A number of countries are carrying out studies to determine the optimum approach to the disposal of spent fuel and wastes from reprocessing. The general consensus favours its placement into deep geological repositories, initially recoverable.

Wastes from the nuclear fuel cycle are categorised as high-, medium- or low-level wastes by the amount of radiation that they emit. These wastes come from a number of sources and include:
  • low-level waste produced at all stages of the fuel cycle;
  • intermediate-level waste produced during reactor operation and by reprocessing;
  • high-level waste, which is waste containing fission products from reprocessing, and in many countries, the used fuel itself.
The enrichment process leads to the production of much 'depleted' uranium, in which the concentration of U-235 is significantly less than the 0.7% found in nature. Small quantities of this material, which is primarily U-238, are used in applications where high density material is required, including radiation shielding and some is used in the production of MOX fuel. While U-238 is not fissile it is a low specific activity radioactive material and some precautions must, therefore, be taken in its storage or disposal.

Nuclear Power Plant,Types, Advantages and Disadvantages 

Nuclear Power Plant

Nuclear power is generated using Uranium, which is a metal mined in various parts of the world.
The structure of a nuclear power plant in many aspects resembles to that of a conventional thermal power station, since in both cases the heat produced in the boiler (or reactor) is transported by some coolant and used to generate steam. The steam then goes to the blades of a turbine and by rotating it, the connected generator will produce electric energy. The steam goes to the condenser, where it condenses, i.e. becomes liquid again. The cooled down water afterwards gets back to the boiler or reactor, or in the case of PWRs to the steam generator.


The great difference between a conventional and a nuclear power plant is how heat is produced. In a fossile plant, oil, gas or coal is fired in the boiler, which means that the chemical energy of the fuel is converted into heat. In a nuclear power plant, however, energy that comes from fission reactions is utilized.

How it works

  • Nuclear power stations work in pretty much the same way as fossil fuel-burning stations, except that a "chain reaction" inside a nuclear reactor makes the heat instead.
  • The reactor uses Uranium rods as fuel, and the heat is generated by nuclear fission. Neutrons smash into the nucleus of the uranium atoms, which split roughly in half and release energy in the form of heat.
  • Carbon dioxide gas is pumped through the reactor to take the heat away, and the hot gas then heats water to make steam.
  • The steam drives turbines which drive generators. Modern nuclear power stations use the same type of turbines and generators as conventional power stations.
In Britain, nuclear power stations are built on the coast, and use sea water for cooling the steam ready to be pumped round again. This means that they don't have the huge "cooling towers" seen at other power stations.
The reactor is controlled with "control rods", made of boron, which absorb neutrons. When the rods are lowered into the reactor, they absorb more neutrons and the fission process slows down. To generate more power, the rods are raised and more neutrons can crash into uranium atoms.

Nuclear Power Plant TypesSeveral nuclear power plant (NPP) types are used for energy generation in the world. The different types are usually classified based on the main features of the reactor applied in them. The most widespread power plant reactor types are:
  • Light water reactors: both the moderator and coolant are light water (H2O). To this category belong the pressurized water reactors (PWR) and boiling water reactors (BWR).
  • Heavy water reactors (CANDU): both the coolant and moderator are heavy water (D2O).
  • Graphite moderated reactors: in this category there are gas cooled reactors (GCR) and light water cooled reactors (RBMK).
  • Exotic reactors (fast breeder reactors and other experimental installations).
  • New generation reactors: reactors of the future.
  • Nuclear power costs about the same as coal, so it's not expensive to make.
  • The amount of fuel required is quite small ,therfore there is no problem of transportation, storage etc.
  • Does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect.
  • Produces huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel.
  • Produces small amounts of waste.
  • The output control is most flexible.
  • Nuclear power is reliable.
  • The fuel used is expensive and is difficult to recover.
  • The fission by-products are generally radio active and may cause a dangerous amount of radio active pollution.
  • Although not much waste is produced, it is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away.
  • The initial capital cost is very high as compared to other power plants.
  • Nuclear power is reliable, but a lot of money has to be spent on safety - if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major disaster. People are increasingly concerned about this - in the 1990's nuclear power was the fastest-growing source of power in much of the world. In 2005 it was the second slowest-growing.
  • The cooling water requirements of a nuclear power plant are very heavy.

Classification of Nuclear Reactors 

Nuclear Reactors, specifically fission reacors, are classified by several methods, a brief outline of these classification schemes is given below.

Classification by use

Research reactors : Typically reactors used for research and training, materials testing, or the production of radioisotopes for medicine and industry. These are much smaller than power reactors or those propelling ships, and many are on university campuses. There are about 280 such reactors operating, in 56 countries. Some operate with high-enriched uranium fuel, and international efforts are underway to substitute low-enriched fuel.

Production reactors

Power reactors

Propulsion reactors

Classification by moderator material

Graphite moderated reactors

water moderated reactors

Light water moderated reactors (LWRs)
Heavy Water moderated reactors 

Classification by coolant
Gas cooled reactor
Liquid metal cooled reactor
Water cooled reactor

Pressure water reactor
Boiling water reactor
Classification by type of nuclear reaction

Fast Reactors
Thermal reactors

Classification by role in the fuel cycle

Breeder reactors
burner reactors

Classification by Generation

Generation II reactor
Generation III reactor
Generation IV reactor

Classification by phase of fuel

Solid fueled
Fluid fueled
Gas Fueled

Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) - Advantages and Disadvantages 

A boiling water reactor (BWR) is a type of light-water nuclear reactor developed by the General Electric Company in the mid 1950s.

1.Reactor pressure vessel 2.Fuel rods 3. Control rod 4.Circulating pump 5.Control rod drive 6.Fresh steam 7. Feedwater 8.High pressure turbine 9.Low pressure turbine 10.Generator 11.Exciter 12.Condenser 13.Cooling water 14.Preheater 15.Feedwater pump 16. Cooling water pump 17.Concrete shield

The above diagram shows BWR and its main parts.The BWR is characterized by two-phase fluid flow (water and steam) in the upper part of the reactor core. Light water (i.e., common distilled water) is the working fluid used to conduct heat away from the nuclear fuel. The water around the fuel elements also "thermalizes" neutrons, i.e., reduces their kinetic energy, which is necessary to improve the probability of fission of fissile fuel. Fissile fuel material, such as the U-235 and Pu-239 isotopes, have large capture cross sections for thermal neutrons.

In a boling water reactor, light water (H2O) plays the role of moderator and coolant, as well. In this case the steam is generted in the reactor it self.As you can see in the diagrm feed water enters the reactor pressure vessel at the bottom and takes up the heat generated due to fission of fuel (fuel rods) and gets converted in to steam.

Part of the water boils away in the reactor pressure vessel, thus a mixture of water and steam leaves the reactor core. The so generated steam directly goes to the turbine, therefore steam and moisture must be separated (water drops in steam can damage the turbine blades). Steam leaving the turbine is condensed in the condenser and then fed back to the reactor after preheating. Water that has not evaporated in the reactor vessel accumulates at the bottom of the vessel and mixes with the pumped back feedwater.
Since boiling in the reactor is allowed, the pressure is lower than that of the PWRs: it is about 60 to 70 bars. The fuel is usually uranium dioxide. Enrichment of the fresh fuel is normally somewhat lower than that in a PWR. The advantage of this type is that - since this type has the simplest construction - the building costs are comparatively low. 22.5% of the total power of presently operating nuclear power plants is given by BWRs.

Feedwater Inside of a BWR reactor pressure vessel (RPV), feedwater enters through nozzles high on the vessel, well above the top of the nuclear fuel assemblies (these nuclear fuel assemblies constitute the "core") but below the water level. The feedwater is pumped into the RPV from the condensers located underneath the low pressure turbines and after going through feedwater heaters that raise its temperature using extraction steam from various turbine stages.

The feedwater enters into the downcomer region and combines with water exiting the water separators. The feedwater subcools the saturated water from the steam separators. This water now flows down the downcomer region, which is separated from the core by a tall shroud. The water then goes through either jet pumps or internal recirculation pumps that provide additional pumping power (hydraulic head). The water now makes a 180 degree turn and moves up through the lower core plate into the nuclear core where the fuel elements heat the water. When the flow moves out of the core through the upper core plate, about 12 to 15% of the flow by volume is saturated steam.

The heating from the core creates a thermal head that assists the recirculation pumps in recirculating the water inside of the RPV. A BWR can be designed with no recirculation pumps and rely entirely on the thermal head to recirculate the water inside of the RPV. The forced recirculation head from the recirculation pumps is very useful in controlling power, however. The thermal power level is easily varied by simply increasing or decreasing the speed of the recirculation pumps.

The two phase fluid (water and steam) above the core enters the riser area, which is the upper region contained inside of the shroud. The height of this region may be increased to increase the thermal natural recirculation pumping head. At the top of the riser area is the water separator. By swirling the two phase flow in cyclone separators, the steam is separated and rises upwards towards the steam dryer while the water remains behind and flows horizontally out into the downcomer region. In the downcomer region, it combines with the feedwater flow and the cycle repeats.

The saturated steam that rises above the separator is dried by a chevron dryer structure. The steam then exists the RPV through four main steam lines and goes to the turbine.

Control systems
Reactor power is controlled via two methods: by inserting or withdrawing control rods and by changing the water flow through the reactor core.

Positioning (withdrawing or inserting) control rods is the normal method for controlling power when starting up a BWR. As control rods are withdrawn, neutron absorption decreases in the control material and increases in the fuel, so reactor power increases. As control rods are inserted, neutron absorption increases in the control material and decreases in the fuel, so reactor power decreases. Some early BWRs and the proposed ESBWR designs use only natural ciculation with control rod positioning to control power from zero to 100% because they do not have reactor recirculation systems.

Changing (increasing or decreasing) the flow of water through the core is the normal and convenient method for controlling power. When operating on the so-called "100% rod line," power may be varied from approximately 70% to 100% of rated power by changing the reactor recirculation system flow by varying the speed of the recirculation pumps. As flow of water through the core is increased, steam bubbles ("voids") are more quickly removed from the core, the amount of liquid water in the core increases, neutron moderation increases, more neutrons are slowed down to be absorbed by the fuel, and reactor power increases. As flow of water through the core is decreased, steam voids remain longer in the core, the amount of liquid water in the core decreases, neutron moderation decreases, fewer neutrons are slowed down to be absorbed by the fuel, and reactor power decreases.

Steam Turbines
Steam produced in the reactor core passes through steam separators and dryer plates above the core and then directly to the turbine, which is part of the reactor circuit. Because the water around the core of a reactor is always contaminated with traces of radionuclides, the turbine must be shielded during normal operation, and radiological protection must be provided during maintenance. The increased cost related to operation and maintenance of a BWR tends to balance the savings due to the simpler design and greater thermal efficiency of a BWR when compared with a PWR. Most of the radioactivity in the water is very short-lived (mostly N-16, with a 7 second half life), so the turbine hall can be entered soon after the reactor is shut down.


Like the pressurized water reactor, the BWR reactor core continues to produce heat from radioactive decay after the fission reactions have stopped, making nuclear meltdown possible in the event that all safety systems have failed and the core does not receive coolant. Also like the pressurized water reactor, a boiling-water reactor has a negative void coefficient, that is, the thermal output decreases as the proportion of steam to liquid water increases inside the reactor. However, unlike a pressurized water reactor which contains no steam in the reactor core, a sudden increase in BWR steam pressure (caused, for example, by a blockage of steam flow from the reactor) will result in a sudden decrease in the proportion of steam to liquid water inside the reactor. The increased ratio of water to steam will lead to increased neutron moderation, which in turn will cause an increase in the power output of the reactor. Because of this effect in BWRs, operating components and safety systems are designed to ensure that no credible, postulated failure can cause a pressure and power increase that exceeds the safety systems' capability to quickly shutdown the reactor before damage to the fuel or to components containing the reactor coolant can occur.
In the event of an emergency that disables all of the safety systems, each reactor is surrounded by a containment building designed to seal off the reactor from the environment.


Comparison with other reactors Light water is ordinary water. In comparison, some other water-cooled reactor types use heavy water. In heavy water, the deuterium isotope of hydrogen replaces the common hydrogen atoms in the water molecules (D2O instead of H2O, molecular weight 20 instead of 18). 

The Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) was the first type of light-water reactor developed because of its application to submarine propulsion. The civilian motivation for the BWR is reducing costs for commercial applications through design simplification and lower pressure components. In naval reactors, BWR designs are used when natural circulation is specified for its quietness. The description of BWRs below describes civilian reactor plants in which the same water used for reactor cooling is also used in the Rankine cycle turbine generators. A Naval BWR is designed like a PWR that has both primary and secondary loops.
In contrast to the pressurized water reactors that utilize a primary and secondary loop, in civilian BWRs the steam going to the turbine that powers the electrical generator is produced in the reactor core rather than in steam generators or heat exchangers. There is just a single circuit in a civilian BWR in which the water is at lower pressure (about 75 times atmospheric pressure) compared to a PWR so that it boils in the core at about 285°C. The reactor is designed to operate with steam comprising 12–15% of the volume of the two-phase coolant flow (the "void fraction") in the top part of the core, resulting in less moderation, lower neutron efficiency and lower power density than in the bottom part of the core. In comparison, there is no significant boiling allowed in a PWR because of the high pressure maintained in its primary loop (about 158 times atmospheric pressure).

  • The reactor vessel and associated components operate at a substantially lower pressure (about 75 times atmospheric pressure) compared to a PWR (about 158 times atmospheric pressure).
  • Pressure vessel is subject to significantly less irradiation compared to a PWR, and so does not become as brittle with age.
  • Operates at a lower nuclear fuel temperature.
  • Fewer components due to no steam generators and no pressurizer vessel. (Older BWRs have external recirculation loops, but even this piping is eliminated in modern BWRs, such as the ABWR.)
  • Lower risk (probability) of a rupture causing loss of coolant compared to a PWR, and lower risk of a severe accident should such a rupture occur. This is due to fewer pipes, fewer large diameter pipes, fewer welds and no steam generator tubes.
  • Measuring the water level in the pressure vessel is the same for both normal and emergency operations, which results in easy and intuitive assessment of emergency conditions.
  • Can operate at lower core power density levels using natural circulation without forced flow.
  • A BWR may be designed to operate using only natural circulation so that recirculation pumps are eliminated entirely. (The new ESBWR design uses natural circulation.)
  • Complex operational calculations for managing the utilization of the nuclear fuel in the fuel elements during power production due to "two phase fluid flow" (water and steam) in the upper part of the core (less of a factor with modern computers). More incore nuclear instrumentation is required.
  • Much larger pressure vessel than for a PWR of similar power, with correspondingly higher cost. (However, the overall cost is reduced because a modern BWR has no main steam generators and associated piping.)
  • Contamination of the turbine by fission products.
  • Shielding and access control around the steam turbine are required during normal operations due to the radiation levels arising from the steam entering directly from the reactor core. Additional precautions are required during turbine maintenance activities compared to a PWR.
  • Control rods are inserted from below for current BWR designs. There are two available hydraulic power sources that can drive the control rods into the core for a BWR under emergency conditions. There is a dedicated high pressure hydraulic accumulator and also the pressure inside of the reactor pressure vessel available to each control rod. Either the dedicated accumulator (one per rod) or reactor pressure is capable of fully inserting each rod. Most other reactor types use top entry control rods that are held up in the withdrawn position by electromagnets, causing them to fall into the reactor by gravity if power is lost. 

Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) 

Pressurized water reactors (PWRs) (also VVER if of Russian design) are generation II nuclear power reactors that use ordinary water under high pressure as coolant and neutron moderator. The primary coolant loop is kept under high pressure to prevent the water from boiling, hence the name. PWRs are one of the most common types of reactors and are widely used all over the world. More than 230 of them are in use to generate electric power, and several hundred more for naval propulsion. They were originally designed by the Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory as a nuclear submarine power plant.The below diagram shows the PWR and its main parts.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi3WP8b9lmHJk023C6azq2T67Y58iuoqg7R_1wkTE6bWtGieFjQauZnergDidde07MYh4mDkK6d91bzpZPqOXaOFayD6i8OIkKzoTKqyReEe-OWhgokki8G6CQQUJGAY_Z2jmFrzOZOZg0/s400/pwr1.jpg1.Reactor vessel 2.Fuel elements 3.Control rods 4.Control rod drive 5.Pressurizer 6.Steam generator 7.Main circulating pump 8.Fresh steam 9.Feedwater 10.High pressure turbine 11.Low pressure turbine 12.Generator 13.Exciter 14.Condenser 15.Cooling water 16.Feedwater pump 17.Feedwater pre-heater 18.Concrete shield 19.Cooling water pump

The pressurized water reactor belongs to the light water type: the moderator and coolant are both light water (H2O). It can be seen in the figure that the cooling water circulates in two loops, which are fully seperated from one another. 
The primary circuit water (dark blue) is continuously kept at a very high pressure and therefore it does not boil even at the high operating temperature. (Hence the name of the type.) Constant pressure is ensured with the aid of the pressurizer (expansion tank). (If pressure falls in the primary circuit, water in the pressurizers is heated up by electric heaters, thus raising the pressure. If pressure increases, colder cooling water is injected to the pressurizer. Since the upper part is steam, pressure will drop.) The primary circuit water transferes its heat to the secondary circuit water in the small tubes of the steam generator, it cooles down and returns to the reactor vessel at a lower temperature. 

Since the secondary circuit pressure is much lower than that of the primary circuit, the secondary circuit water in the steam generator starts to boil (red). The steam goes from here to the turbine, which has high and low pressure stages. When steam leaves the turbine, it becomes liquid again in the condenser, from where it is pumped back to the steam generator after pre-heating.

Normally, primary and secondary circuit waters cannot mix. In this way it can be achieved that any potentially radioactive material that gets into the primary water should stay in the primary loop and cannot get into the turbine and condenser. This is a barrier to prevent radioactive contamination from getting out.
In pressurized water reactors the fuel is usually low (3 to 4 percent) enriched uranium oxide, sometimes uranium and plutonium oxide mixture (MOX). In today's PWRs the primary pressure is usually 120 to 160 bars, while the outlet temperature of coolant is 300 to 320 °C. PWR is the most widespread reactor type in the world: they give about 64% of the total power of the presently operating nuclear power plants.

Two things are characteristic for the pressurized water reactor (PWR) when compared with other reactor types:
  • In a PWR, there are two separate coolant loops (primary and secondary), which are both filled with ordinary water (also called light water). A boiling water reactor, by contrast, has only one coolant loop, while more exotic designs such as breeder reactors use substances other than water (i.e., liquid metal as sodium) for the task.
  • The pressure in the primary coolant loop is at typically 15-16 Megapascal, notably higher than in other nuclear reactors. As an effect of this, the gas laws guarantee that only sub-cooled boiling will occur in the primary loop. By contrast, in a boiling water reactor the primary coolant is allowed to boil and it feeds the turbine directly without the use of a secondary loop.

Ordinary water is used as primary coolant in a PWR and flows through the reactor at a temperature of roughly 315 °C (600 °F). The water remains liquid despite the high temperature due to the high pressure in the primary coolant loop (usually around 2200 psig [15 MPa, 150 atm]). The primary coolant loop is used to heat water in a secondary circuit that becomes saturated steam (in most designs 900 psia [6.2 MPa, 60 atm], 275 °C [530 °F]) for use in the steam turbine.

Pressurized water reactors, like thermal reactor designs, require the fast fission neutrons in the reactor to be slowed down (a process called moderation) in order to sustain its chain reaction. In PWRs the coolant water is used as a moderator by letting the neutrons undergo multiple collisions with light hydrogen atoms in the water, losing speed in the process. This "moderating" of neutrons will happen more often when the water is more dense (more collisions will occur). The use of water as a moderator is an important safety feature of PWRs, as any increase in temperature causes the water to expand and become less dense; thereby reducing the extent to which neutrons are slowed down and hence reducing the reactivity in the reactor. Therefore, if reactor activity increases beyond normal, the reduced moderation of neutrons will cause the chain reaction to slow down, producing less heat. This property, known as the negative temperature coefficient of reactivity, makes PWR reactors very stable. 


The uranium used in PWR fuel is usually enriched several percent in 235U. After enrichment the uranium dioxide (UO2) powder is fired in a high-temperature, sintering furnace to create hard, ceramic pellets of enriched uranium dioxide. The cylindrical pellets are then put into tubes of a corrosion-resistant zirconium metal alloy (Zircaloy) which are backfilled with helium to aid heat conduction and detect leakages. The finished fuel rods are grouped in fuel assemblies, called fuel bundles, that are then used to build the core of the reactor. As a safety measure PWR designs do not contain enough fissile uranium to sustain a prompt critical chain reaction (i.e, substained only by prompt neutron). Avoiding prompt criticality is important as a prompt critical chain reaction could very rapidly produce enough energy to damage or even melt the reactor (as is suspected to have occurred during the accident at the Chernobyl plant). A typical PWR has fuel assemblies of 200 to 300 rods each, and a large reactor would have about 150-250 such assemblies with 80-100 tonnes of uranium in all. Generally, the fuel bundles consist of fuel rods bundled 14x14 to 17x17. A PWR produces on the order of 900 to 1500 MWe. PWR fuel bundles are about 4 meters in length.Refuelings for most commercial PWRs is on an 18-24 month cycle. Approximately one third of the core is replaced each refueling.


Generally, reactor power can be viewed as following steam (turbine) demand due to the reactivity feedback of the temperature change caused by increased or decreased steam flow. Boron and control rods are used to maintain primary system temperature at the desired point. In order to decrease power, the operator throttles shut turbine inlet valves. This would result in less steam being drawn from the steam generators. This results in the primary loop increasing in temperature. The higher temperature causes the reactor to fission less and decrease in power. The operator could then add boric acid and/or insert control rods to decrease temperature to the desired point.

Reactivity adjustments to maintain 100% power as the fuel is burned up in most commercial PWR's is normally controlled by varying the concentration of boric acid dissolved in the primary reactor coolant. The boron readily absorbs neutrons and increasing or decreasing its concentration in the reactor coolant will therefore affect the neutron activity correspondingly. An entire control system involving high pressure pumps (usually called the charging and letdown system) is required to remove water from the high pressure primary loop and re-inject the water back in with differing concentrations of boric acid. The reactor control rods, inserted through the top directly into the fuel bundles, are normally only used for power changes. In contrast, BWRs have no boron in the reactor coolant and control the reactor power by adjusting the reactor coolant flow rate.Due to design and fuel enrichment differences, naval nuclear reactors do not use boric acid.

  • PWR reactors are very stable due to their tendency to produce less power as temperatures increase, this makes the reactor easier to operate from a stability standpoint.
  • PWR reactors can be operated with a core containing less fissile material than is required for them to go prompt critical. This significantly reduces the chance that the reactor will run out of control and makes PWR designs relatively safe from criticality accidents.
  • Because PWR reactors use enriched uranium as fuel they can use ordinary water as a moderator rather than the much more expensive heavy water.
  • PWR turbine cycle loop is separate from the primary loop, so the water in the secondary loop is not contaminated by radioactive materials.
  • The reactor has high power density.
  • The reactor responds to supply more power when the load increases.
  • The coolant water must be heavily pressurized to remain liquid at high temperatures. This requires high strength piping and a heavy pressure vessel and hence increases construction costs. The higher pressure can increase the consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident.
  • Most pressurized water reactors cannot be refueled while operating. This decreases the availability of the reactor- it has to go offline for comparably long periods of time (some weeks).
  • The high temperature water coolant with boric acid dissolved in it is corrosive to carbon steel (but not stainless steel), this can result in radioactive corrosion products to circulate in the primary coolant loop. This not only limits the lifetime of the reactor, but the systems that filter out the corrosion products and adjust the boric acid concentration add significantly to the overall cost of the reactor and radiation exposure.
  • Water absorbs neutrons making it necessary to enrich the uranium fuel, which increases the costs of fuel production. If heavy water is used it is possible to operate the reactor with natural uranium, but the production of heavy water requires large amounts of energy and is hence expensive.
  • Because water acts as a neutron moderator it is not possible to build a fast neutron reactor with a PWR design. For this reason it is not possible to build a fast breeder reactor with water coolant.
  • Because the reactor produces energy more slowly at higher temperatures, a sudden cooling of the reactor coolant could increase power production until safety systems shut down the reactor.

CANDU Reactor 

The CANDU reactor is a Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor developed initially in the late 1950s and 1960s by a partnership between Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario (now known as Ontario Power Generation), Canadian General Electric (now known as GE Canada), as well as several private industry participants. The acronym "CANDU", a registered trademark of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, stands for "CANada Deuterium Uranium". This is a reference to its deuterium-oxide (heavy water) moderator and its use of natural uranium fuel. This type of reactor is meant for those countries which do not prodce enriched uranium.Enrichment of uranium is costly and this reactor uses natural uranium as fuel and heavy water as moderator.

In heavy water reactors both the modeartor and coolant are heavy water (D2O). A great disadvantage of this type comes from this fact: heavy water is one of the most expensive liquids. However, it is worth its price: this is the best moderator. Therefore, the fuel of HWRs can be slightly (1% to 2%) enriched or even natural uranium. Heavy water is not allowed to boil, so in the primary circuit very high pressure, similar to that of PWRs, exists.

CANDU fuel is made from uranium that is naturally radioactive. Small amounts of uranium can generate large amounts of energy in the form of heat. The uranium is mined, refined and made into solid ceramic pellets (two pellets are the size of an AA battery). The pellets are put in metal tubes, which are welded together to form a fuel bundle that weighs around 23 kg.The bundle is about the size of a fireplace log and can provide enough energy for an average home for 100 years. The figure below shows the CANDU reactor and its main parts.

In CANDU reactors, the moderator and coolant are spatially separated: the moderator is in a large tank (calandria), in which there are pressure tubes surrounding the fuel assemblies. The coolant flows in these tubes only.

The advantage of this construction is that the whole tank need not be kept under high pressure, it is sufficient to pressurize the coolant flowing in the tubes. This arrangement is called pressurized tube reactor. Warming up of the moderator is much less than that of the coolant; its is simply lost for heat generation or steam production. The high temperature and high pressure coolant, similarly to PWRs, goes to the steam generator where it boils the secondary side light water. Another advantage of this type is that fuel can be replaced during operation and thus there is no need for outages.

Fission reactions in the reactor core heat a fluid, in this case heavy water (see below), which is kept under high pressure to raise its boiling point and avoid significant steam formation in the core. The hot heavy water generated in this primary cooling loop is passed into a heat exchanger heating light (ordinary) water in the less-pressurized secondary cooling loop. This water turns to steam and powers a conventional turbine with a generator attached to it. Any excess heat energy in the steam after flowing through the turbine is rejected into the environment in a variety of ways, most typically into a large body of cool water (lake, river, or ocean). More recently-built CANDU plants (such as the Darlington station near Toronto, Ontario) use a discharge-diffuser system that limits the thermal effects in the environment to within natural variations.

CANDU reactors employ two independent, fast-acting safety shutdown systems. Control rods penetrate the calandria vertically and lower into the core in the case of a safety-system trip.A second shutdown system is via gadolinium nitrate liquid "neutron poison" injection directly in to the low pressure moderator. Both systems operate via separate and independent trip logic. 

CANDU-specific features and advantagesUse of natural uranium as a fuel
  • CANDU is the most efficient of all reactors in using uranium: it uses about 15% less uranium than a pressurized water reactor for each megawatt of electricity produced.
  • Use of natural uranium widens the source of supply and makes fuel fabrication easier. Most countries can manufacture the relatively inexpensive fuel .
  • There is no need for uranium enrichment facility.
  • Fuel reprocessing is not needed, so costs, facilities and waste disposal associated with reprocessing are avoided.
  • CANDU reactors can be fuelled with a number of other low-fissile content fuels, including spent fuel from light water reactors. This reduces dependency on uranium in the event of future supply shortages and price increases .
Use of heavy water as a moderator
  • Heavy water (deuterium oxide) is highly efficient because of its low neutron absorption and affords the highest neutron economy of all commercial reactor systems. As a result chain reaction in the reactor is possible with natural uranium fuel.
  • Heavy water used in CANDU reactors is readily available. It can be produced locally, using proven technology. Heavy water lasts beyond the life of the plant and can be re-used .
CANDU reactor core design
  • Reactor core comprising small diameter fuel channels rather that one large pressure vessel
  • Allows on-power refueling - extremely high capability factors are possible .
  • The moveable fuel bundles in the pressure tubes allow maximum burn-up of all the fuel in the reactor core.
  • Extends life expectancy of the reactor because major core components like fuel channels are accessible for repairs when needed.
Nuclear Power Plant Operation 

The below diagram shows the schematic of nuclear power plant.Nuclear power generation is much similar to that of conventional steam power generation.The difference lies only in the steam generation part i.e coal or oil boiling furnance and boiler are replaced by nuclear reactor.

Thus a nuclear power plant consists of a nuclear reactor,steam generator,turbine, generator, condenser etc. as shown in the above figure.As in a conventional steam plant, water for raising steam forms a closed feed system.However, the reactor and the cooling circuit have to be heavily shielded to eliminate radiation hazards.

A nuclear power plant uses the heat generated by a nuclear fission process to drive a steam turbine which generates usable electricity.Fission is the splitting of atoms into smaller parts. Some atoms, themselves tiny, split when they are struck by even smaller particles, called neutrons. Each time this happens more neutrons come out of the split atom and strike other atoms. This process of energy release is called a chain reaction. The plant controls the chain reaction to keep it from releasing too much energy too fast. In this way, the chain reaction can go on for a long time.

Few natural elements have atoms that will split in a chain reaction. Iron, copper, silver and many other common metals will not split, or fission. There are isotopes of iron, copper, etc. that are radioactive. This means that they have an unstable nucleus and they emit radioactivity. However, just being radioactive does not mean that they will fission, or split. But uranium will. So uranium is suitable to fuel a nuclear power plant.

As atoms split and collide, they heat up. The plant uses this heat to create steam.The heat is transfered to the water through heat exchanging tubes in steam generator in the primary loop.After extractig this heat, water is converted in to steam and collected at the top of steam generator.The pressure of the expanding steam turns a turbine which is connected to a generator in the secondary loop.After rotating turbine - generator set steam passes to the condenser.After that the function of condenser and coling towers is same as that of thermal plant.

After the steam is made, a nuclear plant operates much like a fossil fuel fired plant: the turbine spins a generator. The whirling magnetic field of the generator produces electricity. The electricity then goes through wires strung on tall towers you might see along a highway to an electrical substation in your neighborhood where the power is regulated to the proper strength. Then it goes to your home.

In the case of nuclear power plant operation the following factors must be considered

  • Control -- Keeping the nuclear reaction from dying out or exploding.
  • Safety -- If something goes wrong it can be contained.
  • Refueling -- Adding more nuclear fuel without stoping the reactor.
  • Waste production -- The byproducts of the reaction must be manageable.
  • Efficiency -- Capture as much of the heat as possible.

 is the most important aspect to a design. When an atom of nuclear fuel (uranium) absorbs a neutron, the uranium will fission into two smaller atoms (waste) and release one to three neutrons. The kinetic energy of the waste is used to heat the water for the steam turbine. The neutrons are used to fission the next lot of uranium atoms and the process continues. If none of these neutrons are absorbed by another uranium atom then the reaction dies out. If too many neutrons are absorbed then the reaction grows extremely quickly and could explode. Current reactor designs are most usefully classified by how they ensure this nuclear reaction is kept at a level which produces power without getting out of hand. 


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), part of our government, makes sure nuclear power plants in the United States protect public health and safety and the environment. The NRC licenses the use of nuclear material and inspects users to make sure they follow the rules for safety.

Since radioactive materials are potentially harmful, nuclear power plants have many safety systems to protect workers, the public, and the environment. These safety systems include shutting the reactor down quickly and stopping the fission process, systems to cool the reactor down and carry heat away from it and barriers to contain any radioactivity and prevent it from escaping into the environment.

One of the greatest benefits of nuclear plants is that they have no smoke stacks! The big towers many people associate with nuclear plants are actually for cooling water used to make steam. (Some other kinds of plants have these towers, too.) The towers spread the water out so as much air as possible can reach it and cool it down. Most water is then recycled into the plant.

Nuclear power plants are very clean and efficient to operate. However, nuclear power plants have some major environmental risks. Nuclear power plants produce radioactive gases. These gases are to be contained in the operation of the plant. If these gases are released into the air, major health risks can occur. Nuclear plants use uranium as a fuel to produce power. The mining and handling of uranium is very risky and radiation leaks can occur. The third concern of nuclear power is the permanent storage of spent radioactive fuel. This fuel is toxic for centuries, handling and disposal is an ongoing environmental issue.

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